The conductor is the C-Level director. Success is the work of the C-Level manager.
SnP does not recommend the concept of institutionalization for small and medium-sized firms. In our opinion, institutionalization eliminates the entrepreneurial spirit. However, a dose of organization and management information system is the critical need of medium sized companies.
SnP is an outsourcing available to C-Level executives during business organization and operation. The results obtained are very low cost compared to payrolls.
SnP believes that the same format is not suitable for all companies. The same format does not apply to all structures. Each structure is different and the system must be reconstructed for each structure.
Example: Accounting Operation
In recent years, the general tendency has been to increase the expertise in income generating activities in enterprises and to outsource them when there is a need that can be produced outside the enterprise.
The increase in technological facilities and the rapid development of reporting tools have provided a structure in which many services produced within the enterprise can be procured from outside. In this way, high-paid staff has become a high-quality and low-cost structure of outsourced services compared to the cost of employing.