Wealth and Family Business

a) Wealth Transfer Planning

A long-term struggle in business life and success is the wealth you get.
How should this fortune be transferred to the next ones? Who should be left to the management of wealth? Would it be useful to use the foundation system?
Standards and Partners enable us to look for answers to these questions together with our partners with both academic and necessary experience.

b) Family Constitutions

Family constitutions are the key to persistence and continuity.
With family constitutions, each individual knows in which position he / she will be assigned in the future, for which duty he / she is raised and in what way he / she will enter the game. Accepts or does not accept. What should be done if not accepted?
These are all issues that need to be explained in family constitutions.
Can family members be eaten by human emotions from time to time? Can marriages, separations, deaths, births threaten peace? Why is one different from the other? Are the living standards of the other remarkable?
Standards and Partners foresee that all possible problems can be avoided by Family Constitutions. A healthy family constitution eliminates all these possible problems and ensures your peace in peace.

c) Persistence and Sustainability

The world is changing every day. What we know is getting old quickly and with changing economic conditions, changing technology, changing consumer preferences, changing management and production methods, changing financial instruments, changing competition rules ne What is our position against this change? How long can we continue our work? Should we continue?
Standards and Partners, with a detailed perspective of the future, analyze the course of your sector in the coming years. This analysis determines and recommends the position you need to take.

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