If you think we have a chance to work together in the next 2 years, you can upload your CV or fill out the information in the single link and take your place in our professional database.
This database is not used for job placement and similar purposes and is not shared with any similar organization and can only be accessed by management.
If you think we have a chance to work together in the next 2 years, you can upload your CV or fill out the COMPATIBILITY QUESTION SET information on the other page and take your place in our professional database.
This database is not used for job placement or similar purposes and is not shared with any similar organization.
This information, which can only be accessed by management, is used only for our permanent or project-based expertise needs.
Use the “CV UPLOAD” button below to send us your CV. After uploading your CV file, click “CV UPLOAD” button and wait until it is loaded.
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