- VEDOP, VEDOP 2 and Data Warehouse Projects implemented by revenue management shaped the electronic financial data flow of 2000s. Almost all financial life has been transferred to the electronic environment.
- The selection of the investigations was left to the MERAK program. Even in the investigations itself, the investigators often began to examine them without seeing a book.
- Because all the information required for the examination is already in the data warehouse.
- In other words, after 2000s, data and proofing methods related to tax examinations have been revolutionized and most of the records have been made through electronic system.
Review Process
- – Tax Collection and Proof
– Compliance with Law
– Linking to Report
– Reconciliation
– Tax Cases
Accompanying Tax Inspection
- According to a taxpayer saying, “The most expensive tea is the tea offered by the tax inspector.”
- At each stage of the Standards and Partners tax audits, the highest level taxpayers who have received the title of Chief Auditor in the public and have undergone several tax audits are accompanied by the audit.
- Defends the rights of the taxpayer. During the review, the C-Level periodically reports to the Executive or Businessman and informs of the possible results of the review.
- Tax Inspector in Turkey carefully selected with heavy examinations, have received a very good education, well-trained, talented people are.
- Therefore, it is the basic rule of a sound tax inspection process to establish the same balance of power in examinations, and to ensure that a former tax auditor accompanies the review.

Tax Review Report Evaluation Commission
- It is a service provided by a commission composed of YMMs and lawyers to evaluate the reports written by tax inspectors.
- The purpose of this service is to evaluate the investigation in terms of procedure and basis and to form a road map.
- The SnP Report evaluation commission analyzes the weak and strong points of the report. It evaluates the results and expresses its opinion to the court or to reach agreement.